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الأحد، 23 ديسمبر 2012



                   Diabetes is a disease where blood sugar levels are very high. Sugar comes from the foods we eat, and the insulin is the hormone that helps the entry of sugar into the cells to give her energy; In diabetes type I the body does not secrete insulin, and Type II diabetes, which is the most prevalent type, the body does not make insulin can not be used properly; It is an insufficient amount of insulin remains present in blood sugar.

The passage of time can cause a lot of sugar in the blood to the emergence of serious problems as that can damage the eyes, kidneys and nerves, as diabetes can lead to heart disease, stroke, and even to complications requiring amputation. As can be infected pregnant women with diabetes, who called in this case as "gestational diabetes."

Symptoms of Type II diabetes:

• Fatigue

• thirst

• weight loss

• blurred vision

• frequent urination

Does not seem to some people with no symptoms; but blood tests capable of detecting the presence of diabetes. Can exercise and weight control and adherence to a specific schedule for meals to help control diabetes. Also, care must be taken to control blood sugar levels and taking medications prescribed by your doctor.

Diabetes affects millions of people each year.

When a doctor tells a patient as a diabetic. Assures him that although there is no cure diabetes, there are many drugs that can control the level of sugar in the blood.

The success of any treatment for diabetes to diabetes itself.

This helps tutorial to understand diabetes and how to adjust the level of sugar in the blood better.

What is diabetes?
The body consists of millions of cells that need energy to perform its functions

Turn the food we eat to the sugar known as glucose. Moves sugar into cells via the bloodstream, and sugar is one of the elements needed by cells to produce energy.

It must be the availability of two conditions for the entry of sugar into the blood. First, there must be a sufficient number of "doors" to receive the sugar on the surface of the cells called receptors.

Second, the availability of insulin necessary to open these receptors

When available, these two conditions, glucose enters the cell Vtstkhaddmh for energy production, without the availability of energy all cells die.

The insulin is a chemical hormone produced by the pancreas. The different levels of insulin in the blood depending on the amount of glucose in the blood.

And diabetes makes it difficult to get the cells to glucose they need for energy production.

And diabetes makes it difficult to obtain the cells of the body to sufficient quantities of glucose in two ways: first, when the pancreas does not produce the hormone insulin is necessary to open the doors receptors, فيتعذر sugar glucose to enter the cells, rising level of glucose in the blood. So happens the first type of diabetes.

The second type of diabetes appears despite the presence of sufficient amounts of insulin due to the low number of receptors that allow glucose to enter the cells. Despite the presence of sufficient amounts of insulin, it is not exploited made effective use of it, and this condition is called "insulin resistance", which lead to a high level of glucose in the blood.

The second type of diabetes is more common than the first pattern.

There is no known reasons carefully for diabetes, but it tends to occur in some families more than others. The diabetes is contagious.

Indicators and symptoms of diabetes
Diabetic doctor discovers when his patient when the going gets a rise in the level of sugar in the blood or urine has. The results can be obtained reliable for measuring blood sugar blood test before taking to address the rights of any food or drink, and this is known as blood sugar on an empty stomach, or blood sugar fasting. The normal level of blood sugar ranges between 70 and 120 mg per deciliter.

And include the common signs and symptoms of diabetes
Excessive thirst
Frequent urination

Excessive hunger
Weight loss

Changes in vision

Delay in wound healing and recovery from infection
Itchy skin continues

If untreated diabetes, Vsyazdad glucose level increased significantly may lead to coma or death.

Adopt the signs and symptoms of diabetes on the time of its discovery to the patient, and whether diabetes has type I or type II.

Methods of Treatment
Can not be cured of diabetes fully recovered, but it is possible to adjust the level of sugar in the blood within the normal level.

The different treatment of diabetes and management from one patient to another. The doctor and take appropriate decisions about the best treatment for each individual patient.

Does not result in patients with type I diabetes insulin, so they should introduce some amendments to the diet to which they belong, as they should treated with insulin. May have to take several injections of insulin a day.

It may not require patients with type II diabetes to insulin, as diabetes is set to have the following diet and exercise, has been touted them some medicines sometimes. The need in some cases to insulin.

The success of treatment for diabetes to diabetes itself to a large extent, when with diabetes learn how to control blood sugar levels and apply it already, it will enjoy a healthier life.

Control diabetes
Diabetic can achieve blood sugar level control over:
Eating appropriate foods
Control blood sugar level
Commitment to taking medicine that described him
Access to information related to diabetes

The specialist will nutrition and diabetes specialist doctor to explain how to organize meals for people with diabetes or for their loved ones and to answer any questions put to them.

The three objectives of eating healthy foods are:
Weight control
Maintaining the level of blood sugar within normal limits
Reduce body fat.

May include a healthy diet for humans change covered by the cuisine, and change the quantity, and change the number of meals that dealt with every day. The rights will feel surprised, he notes the variety of healthy foods and how much they enjoyed the taste scrumptious.

Exercise helps diabetics great help, it reduces the level of glucose in the blood, as he had reduced body weight has, and maintain the health of the heart and circulatory system, sport also relieve stress and strengthen the muscles.

And should be discussed with diabetes with the team that offers him the health care plan appropriate exercise for him, and to consult a doctor before starting any new program of exercise programs.

Measuring the level of blood sugar is important to know whether it was natural. If the sugar level with diabetes is very low or very high should change your medication, or a diet that followed, or exercise practiced by. If I need to change something, the doctor or the health team, which provides for diabetic health care Sagdm has appropriate instructions about what he should do.

Is measuring the level of blood sugar checks a small drop of blood taken from the prick or from a small cut on the finger by a needle get an accurate size.

And blood sugar is measured from one to four times a day, and can be done at home. Most people can blood sugar measuring their blood sugar easily.

Should with diabetes to learn from the doctor specialist diabetes correct way to measure blood sugar has, and knows it appropriate times to measure blood sugar every day, and to keep him also on how to change your medication and diet which followed the exercise program practiced by to adjust the sugar Blood has. The doctor will provide all that information specialist after reviewing the results recorded for blood sugar measurements with diabetes.

When the blood sugar level is too high for the degree is not enough to follow the diet and exercise to adjust, there is a need to take medication, and then tells the doctor specialist diabetes patient whether he needed to drugs taken by mouth or he needed to insulin.

Not given insulin injection only. The needs of all people living with type I diabetes to insulin, as it needs some patients with type II him.

Increase in hypoglycemia
May increase the level of blood sugar a significant increase or decrease an acute shortage of people with diabetes in the context of their efforts to adjust their blood sugar. And people with diabetes should attention seriously both increase the level of blood sugar and low blood sugar level to have. Fortunately, the people with diabetes can regain control of their blood sugar after that.

Produces increased blood sugar from eating with diabetes for a large amount of sugary foods and food, sweet or not taking medications and when another illness. If you do not handle increased blood sugar may have a comatose patient with diabetes.

Some signs include increased blood sugar:
Dry throat

Frequent urination
Blurred vision

Fatigue or dizziness
Weight loss

It should be on diabetes while raising the level of sugar in his blood to drink water or sugar-free liquids. And measures the blood sugar level has, and must comply with its designated diet. If not decreased the level of sugar has, then he has to respect the doctor. The Satalaah doctor at the level of sugar, which is considered high for him. If, however, the level of blood sugar in downstream diabetes is too high, you may have to go to the hospital.

Hypoglycaemia occurs when low blood sugar level plummeted. This situation can occur when taking diabetics large amount of insulin. This so-called "insulin shock." The produce hypoglycaemia for reducing diabetes to the amount of food that is eaten, or when I do without taking a meal, or when you exercise much more than usual.

Among the signs of hypoglycaemia:
Sweating, chills and strained nerves.

Hunger, dizziness and fainting

Rapid heartbeat, and personality changes, confusion in thinking, restlessness and do the actions of surprising

Numbness of the lips and tongue, headache, blurred vision, and to speak more slowly or intermittently

If you are not addressing hypoglycaemia it may lead to fainting or convulsions or spasms nervous.

With diabetes suffer from different signs while reduces the level of sugar in his blood, and he has to pay attention to what they feel at the lack of blood sugar level, some people with diabetes do not show any signs of when it reduces the level of blood sugar in their blood. They should rely on measuring the level of sugar in the blood to detect occurrence of hypoglycaemia have.

If the lack of blood sugar level with diabetes, he should eat or drink something that contains a fast-acting sugar, such as half a cup of fruit juice or regular soft drink or ten small beads of candy or a teaspoon of sugar or honey.

If not disappeared these symptoms after quarter of an hour, or remained level sugar has less than 80 milligrams per deciliter, it must take an extra dose of sugar rapid effect, and repeat it every ten minutes or every quarter of an hour until it increased blood sugar level has about 80 milligrams per deciliter

If it remains less than half an hour to deal with diabetes who suffer from hypoglycaemia has his next meal should be addressed immediately. As if it remains at that meal more than half an hour, he should address a snack or half a sandwich of meat or three grains of biscuits. And diabetes that eating a light meal after taking a dose of fast-acting sugar, and that does not diminish this meal from the next meal, which is planning to take.

And with diabetes should avoid driving or operating any machine if it feels that the low sugar level has.

And with diabetes should tell his family and his friends for his diabetes, and that they should transmit it directly to the hospital or call the emergency number for your place of residence, if they found him unconscious or speaking incomprehensible words or incoherent.

Diabetes complications
When you adjust the level of blood sugar becoming symptoms of this disease are less visible. The diabetic patient feels better in his condition, and the increase in capacity and physical activity. If you do not adhere to the diet with diabetes who advised to follow it, not exercising, or not يقس level of sugar in the blood, it would be subjected to serious complications.

Diabetic complications include damage to nerves and blood vessels in the body.

The cause of nerve damage in patients with diabetes is unknown, and this damage known as diabetic neuropathy, which includes stretching nerves to the lower limbs and feet. Well diabetes Ptnmiha or Berudtha.

It should be on people with diabetes who suffer from weak sense of their feet to avoid harm her in general, Vijunboa wearing tight shoes or pour very hot water, or causing any damage to them in particular.

And people with diabetes should examine their feet every day to detect any injury or redness or swelling, and they can turn to the mirror if necessary. When they go to a medical clinic, they should ask their doctor examine their feet.

With diabetes may suffer from a defect in the performance of sexual function. The most common problems are impotence or ED caused by nerve damage extended to the members of the genitals. Doctors can urinary and genital system impotence treatment either through surgery or medication.

Women with diabetes suffer from weakness of lust and pain during intercourse because of extended because of nerve damage to the genitals overnight with. The doctor may recommend a specific treatment for this condition.

May not feel with diabetes rib pain felt by people with a heart attack, due to nerve damage extended to the heart. So people with diabetes should raise suspicion they have the possibility of infection of a heart attack at the feeling of heaviness in the chest or tingling in the arms or indigestion in digestion, because those symptoms may be symptoms of angina.

May result in high blood sugar damage the small and large vessels, فالدهن accumulated on the wall of the blood vessels leads to atherosclerosis.

May affect atherosclerosis some arteries of the heart, may also affect the arteries of the lower limbs sclerosis.

The goal of the diet is recommended diabetics adhere to is to reduce the level of fat and cholesterol in the blood.

While causing plaque and fat tight in the small blood vessels and can not access the blood sufficiently to members leading to the death of cells that depend on the arrival of the blood through the vessels. This can lead to bleeding that blood vessels infected Baltadhaq.

Often get this thickening and hardening of the blood vessels in the kidneys and small back of the eye.

When Taattkhan small vessels in the back of the eye, may leak blood into the eye or into the vitreous. Leading clouding of the vitreous. If we do not address this situation known as diabetic retinopathy may lead to loss of sight. The doctor can provide more information about treatment of diabetic retinopathy.

Diabetes may hinder the performance of kidneys to Ozivthma clean blood, and the body may lose some of the proteins that was required to remain in it, through leakage into the urine. The doctor may examine Paul with diabetes to make sure there is no early signs of renal disease.

Often suffer with diabetes with diabetic kidney disease from high blood pressure. Which makes it very necessary to reduce high blood pressure medicines, because it helps with diabetes to avoid worsening renal problems. And if the patient suffers from diabetes diabetic kidney disease your doctor may prescribe a special diet low protein and salt.

May become dialysis or college transfer is essential in some rare cases of kidney disease.

Most doctors Aocdonn that diabetes control helps to prevent damage to blood vessels and nerves. Includes settings that are good for blood sugar level to follow a specific diet, and eating Aladaah, and exercise, and monitor blood sugar levels, and hygiene.

You can adjust the level of blood sugar thanks to scientific progress in the field of medicine. But the essential role of the patient in the success of the plan set for the management of diabetes and control it.

Management of diabetes involves:
Follow a diet plan
Measuring the level of blood sugar
Taking medications or prescription drugs in a timely manner
Maintaining a clean body
Learn all about diabetes

The doctor or nurse or dietician detailed explanation of the diet that people with diabetes should follow to adjust their blood sugar.

The adoption of diabetics to these instructions reduces the possibility of injury problems mentioned in this program.

This tutorial provides assistance to people with diabetes to understand diabetes and how to control it so that they can enjoy a better life and a more active and longer.

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